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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hana is Mickey Mouse!

Hi, this is me, Hana the Dog. Every year, my silly Mom insists on dressing me up as Mickey Mouse. I'm pretty good at playing dress-up and humoring my Mom, but one day I hope I can dress up for Howl-o-weenie as a pretty girly butterfly. I'm a social butterfly so I think I'd make a good butterfly. It would be neat to have sparkly wings and then I could flutter in the air. Well, maybe I'll have better luck next year.


Sally Ann and Andy said...

You are very cute.
Sally Ann

White Dog Blog said...

you are a very cute minnie!I would give you extra treats for chrm.

ZOOLATRY said...

Hana... just email us your picture and we'll put you in a pretty girly butterfly costume...

Golden Samantha said...

You are an adorable Mickey Mouse!