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Here are all the categories, and who we've put in each category.
Vote by poll please!
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This is just to let you quickly jump to a post for a category-
and to see each entry before you vote.
Remember, you can only vote once in each category, so make sure
you know who you are voting for.
Best Cat In Show:
Pharoh Pickles
Frankenkitteh Boris
Harley The Evil Clown
Zoey the Pumpkin Head
Funniest Cat Costume:
Abby, Da Grouchy Jester
Grayson, the Race Car Driver
Tamir The Cowboy
Cousin Trooper the Clown
Hendrix, Max the Psycho Kitteh
Ginger Jasper the Little Devil
Chevelle, the Che-Devil
Photo Shop Costume:
Ernie the Pirate
Scout Holmes, Pawtective Extraordinaire
Freyja Pawppins
Isis the Peacock
Charybdis, Socks, & Scylla as Venetian Royalty
Maggy as Alien "A"
Zoey as Hansel's Cute Clown
Cutest Cat Costume:
Bela as Pumpkin Pie
Gandalf the Quarterback Sneak
Sniffie the Neon Green Bat
Wally is a Creature Of The Night
Patches is the Kitty Crusader
Tesla is a Bumble Bee
Hansel as a Lady Manbug
Best Dog Costume:
Scottie the Disgruntled Valedictorian
Thunder is a Knight
Phoenix is Triton
Aladdin is Poseidon
Sally is Tinkerbelle
Mack is Peter Pan
Hana is Mickey Mouse
Benny is a Lobster
Shiloh & Shasta as King & Queen of the Ball
Best Excuse Why You're Not Wearing A Costume:
Ariel is a Nudist
Angel is... ahem, too plump
Fenris Wolf is already scary
Oskar eats costumes
Phantom went through shirt torture
Whitey is too cute as it is
And then the viewers choice- which is EVERYONE in costume. Even Photo Shop. :)